Ransack Your Heart

By |Published On: July 9, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and not long ago my husband Ken was trying to find something in the garage, and in his search, he literally tore it apart. Boxes opened, buckets dumped, files rummaged through, bags turned inside out. The garage was ransacked, but finally, Ken found the treasured item; the search proved fruitful. I thought about my husband’s frenzied focus when I read in Psalm 139, “Search me, O God…and see if there be any offensive way in me.” Oh, friend, we need that same frenzied focus when it comes to looking for, searching for hidden sins in our lives; offenses against God and others that need to be brought to the surface.

So, today, I would challenge you. Ransack your heart from one end to the other and ask God to reveal to you hidden faults, as the Bible calls them. Your search will prove fruitful and you will enjoy the treasure of a clean heart.

© Joni and Friends

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