Get Your Bearings

By |Published On: March 12, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And hardly a night goes by lately when I don’t look up into the stars and whisper, “Jesus, thank you for such a faithful witness as these heavenly lights.” I love the stars. And truly, the heavens declare God’s faithfulness… they declare his glory! When I wheel outside on a dark night, I always try to pick out the North Star. Um, that’s because the North Star – Polaris – never shifts, it never changes. 

And that’s a great picture of our unchanging God. With him there is no shifting, no shadow of turning. And that’s a good thing because I’m the kind of person who does not always handle change well. But when change frightens me, I remember that verse, “I am the Lord, and I do not change.” God’s care for me (and for you) is never going to transition. Circumstances may shift, but not God. He is always faithful. That’s something to celebrate tonight when you look up into the stars.

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