Physical Isolation is a Painful Reality for People with Disabilities

By |Published On: September 1, 2021|Categories: Family Retreats, From Our Founder, Joni's Posts|

“But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.'”

Luke 8:46

Occasionally when Ken gives me a big hug, his embrace nearly shocks me. “Wow, that sure feels good,” I’ll laugh. And I mean it. At least 80% of my quadriplegic body is not able to process the sensation of touch, and so I sometimes feel sensory-deprived (the awkward ‘distance’ my wheelchair creates only makes it harder). This is why physical touch means everything to me, perhaps more so than it does for most people.

Just consider the thousands of people with disabilities for whom physical isolation is a painful day-to-day reality.

Whether it’s the soft touch of someone’s hand, or a big bear hug around the shoulders, kids and adults with disabilities crave the familiar touch of human compassion (the long season of COVID only aggravated the need).

You can see why families living with disability were so thrilled about this summer’s Family Retreats. No more isolation! This summer, it was all about in-person ministry! Our classic Family Retreats were in full swing and, oh, what a joy to be together and see everyone face to face… and to even share bear hugs when it’s safe!

At Family Retreats, we bend-over-backward to make sure every family receives the loving touch of Jesus Christ.

His touch bridges the distance and brings healing to wounded hearts, worried minds, and weary souls.

God never intended for people to suffer in isolation, separated from one another, and it’s why he designed spiritual community as a place for Christ-centered hope and healing!

Family Retreat is that powerful place of hope and healing.

At Retreat, hurting people find they are not alone in their struggles – they discover faith-strengthening support from other families who experience victory in Christ. At Retreat, people experience the touch of Christ through prayer support, super-fun activities, sessions in God’s Word, one-on-one counseling, and times of energizing worship.

And it’s all made possible through you – your heartfelt concern, intercessions, and financial support make Family Retreats a reality. Because of that, I sure wish I could give you a big bear hug! Thank you, dear friend, for showing your Christian love for special needs families in such an up-close-and-personal way!

-Joni Eareckson Tada

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