Our Generous God

By |Published On: March 26, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

One of the many things I love about God? He is so generous! Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and one of the most marvelous attributes of our Savior is his generosity. The Lord has been so generous to us (giving us comfort, the blessings of friendship, health, the beautiful world around us); does he not ask us to be the same with others? First Timothy chapter 6 says, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

Oh friend, I want to cultivate a generous spirit, don’t you, a spirit that’s willing to share? Because, when we’re generous with others – especially if others know that you are a follower of Jesus – wow, it’s a great way to glorify Jesus and his generous nature. It’s a way of proving the Gospel to other people. When we choose to give, it makes a big difference for the people in our path, for us and for God’s glory.

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