My Body

By |Published On: July 12, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of the veins of a leaf with dew drops falling off of it.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. You know, this morning was pretty rough, and in my frustration, sitting in my wheelchair, I muttered at my bathroom mirror, “Oh, man, I hate my body!” But, you know, as soon as I let those words escape, I knew it was shameful. Because I was agreeing with Satan. He really hates my body. He loves it when I reject what I look like or what I feel like. Why? Because we’re made in the image of God and our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Satan knows that bodies yielded to Christ are powerful weapons against the kingdom of darkness. So, let’s counter the strategy of our enemy and present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. And if we need more encouragement, Romans chapter 6 says: “Yield your members as servants to righteousness.” Friend, don’t forget that your body is the temple where God’s Spirit lives – that makes it holy! So don’t despise it – Satan might do that, but certainly not you or me.

Disability and the Gospel

Learn how God uses our brokenness to display His grace. As a parent of a disabled child, Beates encourages believers and churches alike to embrace those who appear more physically and visually broken, and to help bring vision and hope to those who need it most.

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