My Boast is in the Lord!

By |Published On: February 25, 2015|Categories: News|


(Today’s post is written by Kids’ Corner guest blogger Samuel. Samuel is 18 years old and has autism. Learn more about Samuel by reading his other posts.)

When you do well on a test or win a contest do you boast? Boasting means to show-off or make sure everyone knows about the special thing you did. Or do you acknowledge that you did it with God’s help? I have a friend, who is like a cousin, who recently did very well in a race. After winning first place, Joel said, “I did it with God’s help!” Have you been victorious in something in your life recently? Did you do well on a spelling test or math test? Have you acknowledged God’s help in it? Sometimes we get so busy we forget that the Lord is always helping us. He is so kind and wants to help His children. Maybe we think we are living life on our own. The Bible says that He gives grace to the humble, but resists the proud. To be humble means to realize you are not smarter than everyone else and that you need the Lord in everything. Because of my autism, I have a daily reminder of how much I truly need the Lord’s help. He is my help! He is my boast! Let’s join Joel and remember to give the Lord thanks and praise when we accomplish good things or the Lord does something wonderful in our lives! “His mighty arm does tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones!” Luke 1:51 (NLV).

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