
By |Published On: June 22, 2012|Categories: Family Retreats|

Happy Grams BoxWednesday was the official first day of summer for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but if you are like a lot of kids, you’ve probably been enjoying summer for several weeks now! It is the same for Joni and Friends. We’re enjoying summer! Summer always means lots of ministry teams traveling, lots of activity, and lots of Family Retreats! Maybe you already know, but when families first arrive at a Family Retreat, many times they are tired and discouraged. That is why we like to encourage families with Happy Grams! Happy Grams are little messages with words of encouragement or verses of Scripture or even a prayer for the family. So take a minute to download this Happy Gram and write your favorite verse or song and let these families know you are glad they are at Family Retreat! Then send it to

ATTN: Kids’ Corner
Joni and Friends
PO Box 3333
Agoura Hills, CA 91376

Or [email protected].

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