Keep The Oil Flowing

By |Published On: July 10, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and 2 Kings chapter 4 tells of a poor widow who came before Elisha with nothing except a small jar of olive oil. What does the prophet tell her to do? Well, he says go and get lots of empty jars. Search your house for jars; ask your neighbors for jars; and don’t ask for just a few. When the widow had gathered as many as she could, she started pouring what little oil she had into them all. And as long as she had a jar that needed filling, the oil kept flowing. But when she ran out of jars, the supplies stopped.

Oh, friend, you and I are so like that widow. We are so poor in spirit we have no idea how many needs we have. But if we keep coming before God with our empty jars; if we keep admitting our need, he will fill us up. God’s supply only stops when we think we’ve run out of jars; or needs, as it were. So, keep bringing to God your poverty, and he will keep his help flowing your way.

© Joni and Friends

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