Hospitality For Jessica

By |Published On: April 1, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and my friend Jessica is a bright college student. But even though she has maintained a high grade-point average, it has not been easyHer mind and emotions are influenced by bipolar disorder.

Jessica is struggling, but she’s persevering – partly because she has a supportive family and churchRomans chapter 12 calls every Christian to be hospitable, reflecting the graciousness of God to those who are weak. And bipolar disorder can be quite a weakness.

So, on behalf of Jessica and many like her, please be outgoing and hospitable when it comes to people with psychiatric disorders. Christians should not be rejecting of those with mental problems. The world might be, but we shouldn’t. If you’d like to help your church be a place of hope and of healing for people like Jessica, find out how at I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. 

© Joni and Friends

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