Focus on Our Savior

By |Published On: February 17, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni bottom-line Tada, and it is heartening to remember that suffering always has a reason; it makes you a different, a better, a more mature believer. But even though your hardships may make you a better Christian with a stronger character, it’s not all about you. Second Peter 2 says that if these qualities… are increasing, they render you fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The bottom line reason behind your suffering is that it helps you know Jesus better. It’s all about Jesus, and to forget this is to become way too me-focused about suffering, like God allows it just to refine, improve, shape you and strengthen you. All these things are good, but remember, the whole point is that we might know Christ better.

So today, don’t focus on your hardships or even whatever benefits might come of them.  May our focus always be on our Savior. Because it really is all about him.

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