Collecting Apples Of Gold

By |Published On: December 18, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
Three apples in a woman's hands.

“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

You recognize that verse, right? From Proverbs 25? When I think of words that are aptly spoken, you know – appropriate words, suitable, fitting. When I think of people who use words that encourage, God always brings to mind my good friend Gail MacDonald, wife of Gordon MacDonald, who lives back in New Hampshire. Now, I have known Gail for years. You may know her husband from InterVarsity, or he’s a famous author, and both of them, they’re such a good example of that Proverb, apples of gold. Gail loves to collect quotations; you know, short sayings of encouragement written by believers from days gone by. And she gathers them as though she were collecting apples in a basket. Whether it’s a quote from a missionary or a line from a time-honored hymn, Gail is wise in knowing that a few choice words can go a long way when it comes to lifting the spirits of a friend or stretching their faith. And I know if it’s been a crazy-busy day, if there’s an envelope in the mail with her familiar handwriting, I know I’m about to be blessed when I open it.

Recently, I came home from a medical appointment. The news they gave me wasn’t bad; but it wasn’t particularly bright, and so, when I got home and wheeled by the kitchen table, I saw a pile of that morning’s mail. I stopped, and I just had to open the one from Gail MacDonald. I saw her handwriting, and sitting there, reading her words, I wasn’t disappointed. Gail’s note was short, but she included several lines from Amy Carmichael, the missionary who, for years, labored in India. And this is what Amy Carmichael wrote; she said, “There is no need to plead that the love of God should fill our heart as though He were unwilling to fill us. For God is willing just as light is willing to flood a room that is opened to its brightness; [it is] willing as water is willing to flow into an emptied channel. Love is pressing round us on all sides like air. [And] when we cease to resist, instantly love takes possession.”

Those words were like a cool breeze to my tired soul. God knew I would need encouragement that afternoon after my doctor appointment, and Carmichael’s quote really lifted my spirits. I’m so grateful that many days earlier, God had put it on Gail’s heart to mail me that little apple of gold. Oh, that we all would be as quick to respond to a prompting from God to send someone encouragement! It’s why I also collect quotations: words from the Puritans, from the Psalms, Bible verses, short essays by Piper or Spurgeon. I keep a lot of these quotes in the back pocket of my planner, so whenever I need a special word, it’s right there; it’s ready; it’s handy.

So, be on the lookout for apples of gold, and when you come across them, jot them in your prayer journal or tuck them in your daily planner. And if you don’t feel you have a way with words, especially when writing notes or letters to others, then you can borrow encouragement from those who have already written these wonderful golden words. Build a file folder of quotations like that one from Amy Carmichael, and you’ll have plenty of words of inspiration – I promise – to share throughout the rest of the year with friends who need a boost. Proverbs 20 says, “Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.” Hey, why don’t you start a habit of collecting great quotations to give as apples of gold? And put them in a Joni Planner just like I do. You can find out about that today at Again,

© Joni and Friends

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