National Autism Awareness Month

By |Published On: April 1, 2017|Categories: News|

April is National Autism Awareness Month! With nearly one in every 68 U.S. births resulting in a diagnosis of autism1; and that statistic is changing rapidly – you most likely know someone touched by this spectrum disorder.

Parents of children affected by autism often face isolation and rejection. “In society, we face fear and isolation because our children have autism. But when we go to church and feel rejected, it hurts even more,” shares one family. These families are often frustrated by misunderstanding and the criticism they receive, simply because the disability is not easy to see or understand.

So what can you do to help? How can you get your church involved? We invite you to visit our Help and Resources page this month to learn more about autism. You can also order a copy of the book Autism and Your Church for additional resources and steps to develop an action plan for ongoing ministry with children and adults who have autism. This month, let’s encourage all churches to be a welcoming place for families affected by autism!


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