Psalm 23 Necklace

By |Published On: May 15, 2018|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

JONI: Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and I’m in the studio today with my friend and co-worker, Shauna Amick. Shauna, it’s so great to have you here.

SHAUNA: I’m thrilled to be here, Joni. Thank you.

JONI: Earlier today, we were in a meeting when I noticed this beautiful cross necklace you have on. You mentioned in the meeting it was a necklace your grandfather gave you.

SHAUNA: That’s right. My grandfather gave it to me and that is why I treasure it so much, but there is something so unique about this necklace, Joni.

JONI: Okay, tell me.

SHAUNA: Well, I’m told if you hold it up to the light you can actually read Psalm 23 inside of it.

JONI: Come on; that little necklace; all of Psalm 23?     

SHAUNA: Well, I’ve never seen it for myself, but people with better vision than me say that they see it. My son Gideon can see it, and he reads it for me every time I wear it and I believe him. So he says: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows, He leads me beside peaceful streams, He renews my strength.”

JONI: My goodness, all of that written in teeny weeny little letters in that little necklace! No wonder it’s hard to see it! Your son has great vision.

SHAUNA: He sure does and I know it’s hard to believe, but as I told you I can’t see it for myself but even the fact that I can’t see that strengthens my faith, because, though I can’t see it I know others can. Gideon can and I have no reason to doubt them; it just reminds me that even when I can’t see God’s hand on my life I know He is there and I know He is working all things together for my good.

JONI: Oh Shauna, those are such encouraging words for me today because while I can’t always see God’s hand in my hardships, I know He is here with me in my quadriplegia and pain. And I know you are a special-needs mom and I know that it comforts you as well.

SHAUNA: That’s for sure, Joni. As the mom of a daughter with Down syndrome and multiple other genetic abnormalities, there are so many times when I just feel like I’ve got to “squint hard” in order to see God at work in my life — you know, juggling everything: family, children, marriage, work – sometimes it just feels so overwhelming.  But I know God is with me and with my family, leading us beside those still waters and renewing our strength. And so it’s this necklace, small as it may be, just reminding me that Jesus is always with us, whether we can see Him or not.

JONI: I love the way that under the tender care of Jesus, our Good Shepherd, we will always have everything we need. He faithfully provides us, friend listening, with strength, just like he does with Shauna. He provides you with guidance, discipline, protection, and, what we sometimes need most of all, rest. So, friend listening, Shauna and I have to say if you are feeling weak, aimless, undisciplined, vulnerable, or just plain tired of the day-to-day challenges you face, look to God as your Good Shepherd. He will never disappoint! And Shauna, I think it’s pretty cool that you’ve got that little necklace from your grandfather as a vivid reminder.

SHAUNA: Thanks for the opportunity to share about that today, Joni. And friends, I hope you will take some time today to visit us at where that are so many reminders that Jesus is real and He is really at work in your life, whether you can see that or not.

JONI: How about if we post a photo of your little necklace.

SHAUNA: Oh, I would love that, Joni.

JONI: I don’t know if we can get the resolution high enough for everybody to see the eensy,weensy, teeny words, but if your son, Gideon can see them, who knows! So friend, as Shauna just said, come by and visit us a and see a wonderful photo of Shauna and me and that little eensy, weensy, tiny necklace reminding all of us that God is shepherd. Oh, and by the way, if you have a prayer request let me know on our radio page and our Joni and Friends staff will lift up your need before the Lord. God bless you today and thanks for listening to Joni and Friends.   

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