Joni’s Favorite Verse: Romans 8

By |Published On: December 11, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

JoniAre you ready to hear about another of Joni’s favorite verses? This time we are talking about an entire chapter! That chapter is Romans 8. When Joni was first injured, no other book meant more to her than Romans. Joni wanted to know for sure that her world wasn’t falling completely apart. She wanted someone to promise that everything was going to be okay. Have you ever felt that way? We want God to be like a good dad telling us, “It’s okay, honey, everything will be okay. Daddy’s here, its okay.” That’s why Joni likes Romans chapter 8! There God tells us that He is so completely in charge of the world that all the things that happen to Christians are planned in such a way that they serve our good. It’s more than just “everything is going to be okay.” It’s even better than that. We become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ!

If you have questions about why God allows you to go through hard things, be sure to read the booklet “Why Bad Things Happen.”

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