Walk ‘N’ Roll New England

October 12, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

A group of people walking and rolling down a street.

Gather your family and friends for a great day of fundraising, fellowship, and fun to bring hope through hardship to people and families living with disability across New England and the globe. There will be games, worship, Chick-fil-A lunch, a Wheels for the World™️ wheelchair collection—and a fun time of walking and rolling—all in a disability-friendly family environment. Walk as an individual or form a team with your church, family, and friends and start sharing “why you walk” as you fundraise to transform lives! Can’t make it in person? Gather with friends at your church or neighborhood to walk virtually and watch our virtual closing program together.

Registration and Family Fun: 10:30am
Walk Begins: 11:45am

Register Now!

Can’t attend but would like to support disability ministry in New England? Support our event below!
