“So They Say!”

By |Published On: November 14, 2014|Categories: News|

So They SayThey say that when one walks with the wise, they become wise. That’s why I enjoy connecting with my friend, Robert Mounce. He’s president emeritus of Whitworth University and an expert in the New Testament, but I enjoy Robert’s company because he’s 93 years old and as sharp as a tack! Hanging around a believer who has lived that long and studied that much? Well… when he speaks, I listen. It’s why I’m so excited about his newest book So They Say. The back reads, “So They Say is a collection of more than 70 quotes, along with Robert Mounce’s reflections on how they relate to the real world… So They Say invites you to read, reflect, and enjoy the journey.” If you’re interested in hearing insights from a saintly sage, this book’s for you!

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