Father’s Day Memories

By |Published On: June 17, 2018|Categories: News|

It’s been 28 years since Dad passed away, but I miss him still. John King Eareckson always seemed so strong and capable to me. He was my hero, and I was his pal – around our relatives, he was often called ‘Big Johnny’ and I was ‘Little Johnny.’ He loved working with his hands, building stone walls and our family farmhouse. He was an accomplished wrestler, too… Daddy served as an alternate on the US wrestling team in the 1932 Olympics. Even after arthritis made it necessary for Dad to use a pair of Canadian crutches, he still led our family with strength and character.

I remember one evening, when I was sitting in the old farmhouse with my sister, we heard a squeal of tires and a short while later, we saw the light of leaping flames. A vandal had set our barn on fire! In the light of the next morning, my father slowly sifted through the ruins of his workshop, nudging the charred remains with one crutch, looking for anything worth saving. My dad had loved that barn. He used it as his workshop and art studio, and it was also where he had kept his collection of antique tools, some passed along from his father. It was a special place for him. And it broke my heart to see him shuffling amidst the ruins.

But he never complained; instead, he immediately set to work rebuilding the barn. Within two months, a beautiful new barn stood on our property — an incredible testimony to Daddy’s uncomplaining spirit and persevering faith.

Amazingly, two years later, he had to endure it all over again. We’re not sure of the cause, but his rebuilt barn caught fire and burned to the ground. And once again, Daddy did not complain, but trusted God knew what He was doing.

My amazing father was such an example to me and my sisters, and I am so thankful for all the life lessons I learned from him. And I can’t wait to see him again in heaven!

This Father’s Day, won’t you join me in thanking God for the men who have modeled integrity and character for you?

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