A Child’s Heart for Nepal

By |Published On: June 18, 2015|Categories: News|

Logan serving lemonade with his momOn Saturday, April 25, a disastrous earthquake struck Nepal. With a magnitude of 7.8, the earthquake has taken the lives of more than 8,000 people. Thousands of people remain missing and remote villages have yet to be reached with aid. Thankfully, though, people all around the world are taking action — people like little 4-year-old Logan. Logan had always wanted to do a lemonade stand, but when he learned of the Nepal earthquake, Logan told his mommy he wanted part of the proceeds to go to charity to help those affected by the earthquake. And so, little Logan and his mom set up the stand and posted signs for lemonade, apple juice and granola bars. With garage sales going on that day, Logan had plenty of customers and he raised $32! This little boy was so excited that he even asked his mom if they were going to drive the money to Nepal to give it to the people there :-). Oh, if we would only become like little children, as Jesus said in Matthew 18:3! Today, join Logan and me in praying for the Nepali people who have lost so much because of this devastating quake. And if the Lord nudges you to support Nepal, give generously. Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.”

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