A Christmas Longing

By |Published On: December 4, 2017|Categories: News|

A Christmas Longing

It’s the start of the season of Advent! And that means today, our church will be lighting the first candle of our Advent wreath. Now, I don’t know if your church celebrates this ancient tradition — but growing up, my family and I celebrated Advent as a kind of fresh start to faith and worship during the Christmas season. As a child, I always anticipated Christmas with so much joy and excitement. I remember one Sunday service at our Reformed Episcopal Church, when I was just a kid … The Sanctuary was dark but oh, so warm. Up and down each pew, a candle was passed to light the one we held in our hands.

When mine was lit, I held it tightly, staring into the flame. I felt as though I were holding something holy. It was like I was expecting something — something to fill that strange longing inside of me. It’s a longing that all of us experience this time of year … a desire to be home, to belong, to be loved, to find fulfillment and joy and peace. And it’s a longing that can only be found in Jesus — the light of the world (John 8:12). So, as we enter the Christmas season, may the Holy Spirit light the candle of your heart. And then, pass that light along! Friend, it’s a dark world, but as 1 John 1:5 says, “…in Him, there is no darkness.” 

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